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Traditional knife sharpening using Japanese whetstones.

At Block & Bottle we offer a knife sharpening service using traditional Japanese Whetstones by our skilled butchers. This customary tradition uses a variety of sharpening whetstones with different grit sizes from coarse to fine to get the perfect edge on your knifes, which will help preserve the blades.
£2 per inch. We charge by the blade size, which is measured along the sharp edge of the knife to the point.
Turn Around Time
Approximately 1 week.
Types of knives we can sharpen
We are able to sharpen traditional kitchen, butchers and chef knives, unfortunately currently we are unable to sharpen scissors, bread knives or gardening tools. If you have any questions about if we would be able to sharpen your knifes please get in touch either by phone or pop in and have a chat with our trained butchers.
How to book your knives in
Call the shop and then drop your knives off to the shop, or pop in with your knives and we will book them in.